What is ACP?

Advance Care Planning (ACP) is for everyone, regardless of age or state of health.

A general ACP guides you to reflect your values and personal beliefs when facing end-of-life. It will also help you identify and appoint a Nominated Healthcare Spokesperson (NHS).

In the event that you lose the capacity to make decisions on your own, and are unable to communicate your wishes, your NHS will assist the healthcare team in making healthcare decisions on your behalf.

ACP is tagged onto your National Electronic Health Record (NEHR) across all hospitals in Singapore for healthcare teams to access in case of an emergency.

By voicing out and documenting your preferences now, you can ease the stress of decision-making for your loved ones should anything happen to you in future.

We encourage you to have open conversations about your wishes and goals for care. It is never too early to start, so take some time to talk to your parents and loved ones about their end-of-life plans today.